Why Do So Many People See a Chiropractor When They Have No Pain?

Why would anyone go to a Chiropractor if they don’t have pain?

To answer that question, let me challenge the thinking behind it with a few other questions.

Why would anyone continue to exercise if they’re already fit?

Why would anyone continue to eat with discipline if they already hit their goal weight?

Why do people take vacations when their work doesn’t stress them out?

There are many reasons a person may choose to get adjusted by a Chiropractor.  The most common of those reasons is to reduce or eliminate pain, as in conditions like headaches, lower back pain, numbness and tingling, upper back/shoulder pain.

As you were reading the challenge questions I posted above, you may have been saying “hold on, there are other reasons for exercising, eating well, or taking a vacation”.

Yes, there are.  And there are other reasons for getting adjusted as well.

Chiropractic adjustments benefit the entire body, not just the spine, and not just the areas that hurt.

Your brain communicates messages through your spinal cord and nerves for healing and for function of ALL of the other parts of your body.  A spine that moves well and is properly aligned ensures that communication is sent loud and clear.

As well, “stuck” joints that aren’t aligned and don’t move well will degenerate and develop spinal arthritis much faster.

The normal curves of the spine are better maintained with chiropractic adjustments too.  And in the digital age, more and more people are spending more and more hours with their head and neck flexed forward looking at the screen of a smartphone or a laptop.  Over time, this will cause postural degeneration and the pain syndromes listed above, among other health problems.  Chiropractic adjustments and specific corrective exercises can help prevent that and/or reduce/correct the curves of the spine.

And finally, chiropractic is the largest drug-free healing profession in the world and will remain that way.

Distrust of large manufacturers is at an all-time high. And for good reason.  So is the desire to take natural approaches to health.  And more families want their health care to be THEIR responsibility and the result of their hard work and choices.

There’s a reason so many people get adjusted by a Chiropractor when they have no symptoms.  There is a major shift in how and why people give attention to their health and body.  Some might even call it a revolution.  Your dissatisfaction with the available options is shared by many.  You are not alone

If you’ve never been to a Chiropractor and would like to have your questions answered, call Anita at 403-217-3002 to set up a complimentary phone call from Dr. Colin. 

As always, with love

Dr. Colin


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Falling on ice.