75% of Canadian Adults Don’t Get Enough Of This.


Wait!! Before you check out because “I drink enough water”, there are some important things for you to know about water.  This could RADICALLY improve your health going forward.

1.       75% of Canadian adults are chronically dehydrated. 

a.       No coffee doesn’t count even though it’s made with water. 

b.      No, it doesn’t matter that you aren’t very thirsty.  Thirst is a LATE-stage indicator of dehydration.

c.       And, no it doesn’t matter that you don’t really like drinking water.  That’s like saying you don’t really like breathing.  Water is essential to life and being chronically dehydrated literally shortens your life.

2.      Proper hydration helps lubricate your joints and may help reduce the development of certain types of arthritis.

3.      Drinking water instead of pop or juice will help you lose weight.  One can of pop has approximately 100 calories.  If you drank water each day instead of one can of pop, you would automatically lose about a pound in one month.

4.      Chronic dehydration negatively affects your mood and your decision making/work productivity.

5.      Drinking water with each meal aid digestion and absorption of your nutrients and helps keep your elimination regular.

6.      Drinking ample amounts of water keeps your skin healthy, reduces wrinkles, and makes you glow like model!

So, how much is enough water?

For an adult, 2-3 litres and possibly more if you are very active, or spend long periods outside in the cold, or do a lot of talking for work (teachers, this means you).

Of all the healthy changes you can make, getting hooked on drinking enough water is about the easiest.  Get a water bottle and determine how many bottles you need to drink to hit your daily requirement.  Then make a mark on the bottle each time you drain the bottle.

Happy drinking!! (water that is).

Thank you for being part of our mission. 

As always. With love,

Dr. Colin

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