How Was the Return on Your Health Investment Last Year?
Take a moment to reflect on HOW you invested in being healthier last year and then reflect on the RETURN you got on that investment.
Is it time to make a change?
Dr. Colin
Your Body Has a Mind of Its Own. That’s Mind Blowing When You Think About It.
Take just ONE minute and learn how amazing the human brain is. You won’t regret it.
Dr. Colin
Yay!! It’s Snow Shoveling and Swearing Season
You have to shovel but you don’t have to hurt after. Here are my best tips on how to avoid becoming a Snow Casualty while you’re trying to be a Snow Angel. Hey, let’s be careful out there.
Dr. Colin
If You’re Always Tired, You Need to Read This.
For many years now I see “chronically tired” or “low energy” checked off on virtually EVERY adult new patient intake form. What is going on?! Read on to find out more.
Dr. Colin
Do You Really Have a “Bad Back” or Is It Misdiagnosed?
Why do backs go bad? Well, they don’t. Bad back is just a term that would be more accurately described as progressive degeneration as a result of uncorrected misalignments. If you feel like you have a “bad back” getting to the underlying cause is essential. Read on to learn more.
Dr. Colin
Chiropractic Care and Pregnancy? Is It Safe? Plus, 3 Benefits You Haven’t Considered.
If you’re pregnant and seeking chiropractic care, here are a few things that will reassure you before your first visit. Chiropractors provide safe, drug-free care and get great results with pregnant women. This could make your pregnancy so much better.
Dr. Colin
75% of Canadian Adults Don’t Get Enough Of This.
You need to drink MORE water in winter than in summer. WHAT?? Yes, the drier air of winter means we lose more water through breathing out and therefore, need to drink MORE water in winter. Read on to find out more about this mind-blowing reality.
Dr. Colin
5 Foods That Are Causing Your Inflammation and Joint Pain
If you regularly experience pain or aching in large areas of your body, you may be experiencing systemic inflammation. The causes of that are varied but one of the major causes of systemic inflammation can be found in these foods. By eliminating one at a time for 3-14 days you may be able to help yourself.
Dr. Colin
Prevent Winter Falls with These 3 Tips
I’m sorry to use coarse language here but it’s probably going to s**w some time soon. We’ve created this to help you be prepared and prevent falls this winter.
Dr. Colin
Your Sleep Quality Sucks and You Know It Does. Here’s What to Do About It
Over 80% of Canadian adults are chronically underslept, according to a recent study. But it isn’t just a question of too few hours, low QUALITY sleep is also a problem. Here are some simple fixes for you to adopt tonight. Wake up more refreshed and productive.
Dr. Colin
3 Ways All That Sitting is Destroying Your Health
“Sitting is the New Smoking”. Have you seen a headline like that? It sounds ridiculous, doesn’t it? But all of the sitting we do in the modern workplace is definitely damaging your health. Here’s how and what you can do to reduce that.
Dr. Colin
Is It REALLY a Pinched Nerve? No, It’s Not. But Here’s What To Do With That Feeling
When you feel that sharp pain in your neck, is it really just a temporary (literal) pain in the neck or is it an indication of something more serious (that can be corrected long-term in most people)? Please take the signs from your body seriously. Pain is always an indication of something else.
Dr. Colin
The Hidden Reason You Get Headaches Show ‘Em the Curve
If you walked around with your right hand pushed behind your back and into your left pocket, do you think your shoulder would hurt? Of course. Loss of the normal C-shaped curve in the neck is similar to this (it's not how you're supposed to be) and may be the reason for your headaches. Good news: this can be improved and, in some cases, fully corrected with specific exercises. Schedule an exam with me to find out if this is you.
Dr. Colin
“Well, I’m Basically Healthy”(What Does That Even Mean?)
What does it actually mean when someone says "I'm basically healthy". What if there was a CONCISE definition of healthy that we could use to decide if our actions are moving us in the right direction? Well. there is. But many people have never heard it.
Dr. Colin
If You’re Not Taking This Supplement Right Now You’re Asking for Trouble
Vitamin D is the immune system strengthening secret weapon. Read on to find out more. Dr. Colin
“I Haven’t Needed a Chiropractor, Thank God”
Your spine may be degenerating silently as a result of your everyday activities at work and at home. Unfortunately, most people wait until they have severe pain before beginning to care for their spine. If you've experienced even minor issues with pain or mobility in your spine, now is the best time to get a checkup. Dr. Colin
That Tightness in Your Shoulders is More Than Simply Stress. You Can Help Yourself This Way…
Spending hours on a keyboard at a desk with a phone cradled to your ear often leads to chronic shoulder pain. Frustrating, isn't it? You can't stop working, so what can you do? Here are some at-your-desk interventions that will help you TODAY.
Dr. Colin
Does Your Company Schedule Lunch and Learns?
We can help your team members increase their productivity, decrease their missed work days, and let them know the company cares. How? Our in-office lunch-and-learn on self-evaluating ergonomics, posture and spinal health. Interested in booking Dr. Colin? Read on.
If It’s Just Pain, Why Does It Keep Coming Back?
If your mechanic put black tape over the "Check Engine" light, you'd be pretty frustrated wouldn't you? Afterall, the light isn't the problem, it's an INDICATOR of a problem.
So, we expect our mechanic to FIND and correct the REAL problem.
Why do we allow experts to repeatedly "put black tape" over our health problem? Read on to learn more. Dr. Colin
What Actually Happens When You See a Chiropractor for the First Time?
Anxious about seeing a Chiropractor for the first time? It’s not uncommon. Here’s what to expect and why you’ll be glad you consulted with a Chiropractor.