Headaches and the curve in your neck.
If you regularly experience headaches, help is right here.
Optimal C-curve
At some point, EVERYONE has a C-shaped curve like this or very close to it.
Pain in general is an indication of a deeper problem. And when we pursue that deeper problem and correct it, the pain is almost always resolved. Let’s start really simply.
If you fell on some ice and a few days later your wrist is more painful than you think it should be, you have two options. 1) Take pain medication indefinitely and hope that somehow fixes the problem. There are obvious problems with this approach but the worst is that, even when the pain eventually stops, an underlying problem remains undiagnosed and uncorrected. Over time, the underlying issue could become an even bigger problem. 2) Try to figure out why it’s so darn painful. Let’s say you did that and discovered that the fall caused a fracture in one of the small bones of the wrist. Now you know WHY you had so much pain. A proper course of treatment will ensure this problem doesn’t escalate in the future.
OK, so now let’s look at your headaches.
Reduced C-curve
Headaches are associated with a loss of the neck curve.
If you’ve been treating headache pain as the problem and numbing it with a pill, what is the underlying problem that isn’t getting addressed?
Your neck has muscles attached to it and a spinal cord running through it. With the optimal C-shaped curve, all of these structures are at their proper length and tone and all is good (see image top left). But headaches are associated with a reduction, and sometimes complete loss, of the neck curve (see image, bottom left).
The neck muscles are under constant tension and are pulling on the back of the skull. The nerves and spinal cord in a neck like this are constantly irritated too. With a straightened neck, headaches are almost inevitable.
Without a plan to correct the underlying problem, headaches keep returning. We’ve been helping headache sufferers with a specific corrective approach for nearly 30 years. We can help.
As always, with love.
Dr. Colin
Live Life Well