The Hidden Reason You Get Headaches Show ‘Em the Curve
Frequent headaches are terrible and can keep you from doing things you love.
Many people have been subtly taught that the headache IS the problem. The recommendation, then, is to do whatever it takes to make the headache go away. That might involve pain killers, muscle relaxants, massage therapy, acupuncture, cold packs, and more.
There is a problem with simply attacking the symptom, though, and that is that the underlying CAUSE of the headaches may go undetected and uncorrected.
Headaches can be caused by dehydration, injury/trauma, stress, and many other causes.
But one major cause of headaches is often overlooked.
Looking at an x-ray of the neck from the side, you should see a C-shaped curve with the concavity at the back.
After viewing thousands of x-rays over the past 25+ years in practice, I’ve noticed that almost EVERY patient I’ve seen who is complaining of headaches has a straightened neck curve.
That irritates the nerves in the neck (leading to headaches), and if left uncorrected can progress to spinal arthritis, disc degeneration, and bone spurs.
The good news: in many cases, with the right chiropractic adjustments and corrective exercises, this curve can be improved and, and in some cases, can be fully restored.
The first question to be answered though: what’s the curve of YOUR neck like? Only a thorough exam with any indicated x-rays will reveal that.
Thank you for being part of our mission.
As always. With love,
Dr. Colin