The Power of Quiet

If you’re like many people these days, you go from one busy to the next.

Get up and hustle the kids out the door, get to work, squeeze in a workout or a meeting over lunch, then hustle home to get one of the kids to their activity while your spouse takes the other(s) to theirs.  Get home and have something to eat, clean up and POOF, there goes another day.

Being busy and living life out loud is not a bad thing.

But EVERYONE needs to regularly take time to REFILL the tank.

Weekends can be as busy as the week sometimes.

And sure, a vacation helps you recharge but you can only take so many vacations each year.

So, what about adopting a daily routine that re-centres you and puts you in a good, refreshed mental state?  Kind of like brushing your teeth but for your soul.

There are guided meditation apps that you can load onto your phone that will accomplish that refresh through the power of quiet breathing and meditation.

Most of them have free modules that you can just use over and over again.  Headspace is my favourite for this and it has options for 3-minute, 5-minute, and 10-minute sessions.

If you are constantly on the go, it may sound counterintuitive to ADD another thing to an already busy day but a daily discipline that involves making SPACE in your soul for another busy day may actually make you MORE efficient and productive, MORE peaceful and, particularly when it comes to family time, MORE present.

Now, if this SOUNDS like a great idea, you HAVE to try it in the next three days.  You KNOW if you don’t, it will probably fall by the wayside and you’ll remember to try it sometime around Christmas.

This one, little thing could make a big, big difference.

As always, with love.

Dr. Colin

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