Your Body Has a Mind of Its Own. That’s Mind Blowing When You Think About It.
Scientists tell us we use about 5% of our brain to remember what we do for work, what our kids’ names are, and where we left our keys and cell phone.
So, what’s the other 95% for?
Well, think of it as the mind for your body. That other 95% of your brain runs ALL of your parts. Without you thinking about it. It’s as if it has a mind of its own.
It truly is amazing when you start to unpackage it.
When is the last time you had to remember to breathe? Never, right? That’s because your brain is constantly monitoring your oxygen needs (more when you run for the bus, less when you lay down for your second nap), and your CO2 load. And it adjusts your breathing AUTOMATICALLY on a second-to-second basis to perfectly match your needs.
And NOT ONCE in your entire life have you had to think about that.
Amazing, right?
Now extend that to EVERYTHING in your body.
The pH of your blood? Brains got it.
Blood pressure, number of red blood cells, white blood cells, and immune system cells? Brains got it.
Need new skin cells because you took up skateboarding at your age? Brain can increase production.
Need to increase filtration to the liver because you are having a couple of adult beverages at your friend’s BBQ? Brains got it.
I could spend the next week telling you how amazing your body is.
And at the end of it all, I would call your brain the World’s Greatest Doctor (because it knows what you need, when you need it, in what amount and for how long ALWAYS) which works with your body which is the World’s Greatest Pharmacy (because it produces every chemical you need, when you need it, in exactly the right dose, and will stop administering it at exactly the right time).
It does this from the day you’re born to the day you die. Automatically.
Unless there is a problem with the communication system (nervous system) but that’s the topic for another post.
Truly mind blowing what your brain does to keep you healthy.
As always, with love.
Dr. Colin